Reading: The Freedom of New Beginnings

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Saturday, October 22, 2022
7:00 pm

Reading: The Freedom of New Beginnings

This event will bring together local contributors to this anthology to celebrate this brand-new publication, to read their work and talk about how this anthology came about. There are over 70 contributors, but we hope to have about a dozen poets, including Phyllis Meshulam and her coeditors Gail King and Gwynn O’Gara, and ecopoet Dave Seter along with others who may want to share their poems or the poems of local Russian River fame such as Mike Tuggle and Betty Garrett.

“A broken world needs poetry. Phyllis Meshulam, poet laureate of Sonoma County, invited poets to map the three stages of reconnection as conceived by Buddhist scholar and Rilke translator Joanna Macy. This anthology is a journey of witness and renewal in uncertain times.”   Gwynn O’Gara.

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