Reading with Daniel Coshnear

Daniel Coshnear

Jobs & Other Preoccupations (Helicon Nine 2001) winner of the Willa Cather Fiction Award.

Occupy & Other Love Stories (Kelly's Cove Press 2012)

Friday, March 18, 2022
7:00 pm

Reading with Daniel Coshnear

SEPARATION ANXIETY is a stunning short story collection that shows how pervasive the disorder can be in everyday lives. In nine stories, Coshnear paints separation anxiety as an engine of change while being careful to tend to the delicateness of the disorder's consequences. Readers become intimately acquainted with the captain of a SWAT (team), a mental health case worker falls deeply in love, an elderly man who is deeply angered when his wife is buried in the wrong hole, and many more.

About the author

Daniel Coshnear

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Daniel Coshnear, born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1961, lives with wife and two children in Guerneville, California. He works part time at a group home in Santa Rosa serving homeless men and women with mental illnesses, and teaches in a variety of settings including the UC Berkeley Extension writing program. He is author of two story collections, Jobs & Other Preoccupations (Helicon Nine 2001) winner of the Willa Cather Fiction Award, and the recent Occupy & Other Love Stories (Kelly's Cove Press 2012).

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