Reading with Pond Farm Pottery Writer-In-Residence

Sally Baho

Thursday, June 16, 2022
7:00 pm

Reading with Pond Farm Pottery Writer-In-Residence

Pond Farm Pottery June Writer-in-Residence, Sally Baho, will give a brief talk about her stay at the historic Pond Farm—covering its history and her experience there—as well as give a reading from the collection of nature essays she has been inspired to write while living at Pond Farm. It will be concluded by a Q&A session.

About the author

Sally Baho

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Sally Baho is a Monterey-based, Syrian-Californian freelance writer and bon vivant. She works full time at the Naval Postgraduate School as a research associate.

Her favorite project at work deals with the integration of women in peacekeeping operations as well as government and society. In her free time, she loves to be outdoors, read, travel, and cook.

She is currently working on a novel and co-authoring a cookbook for a Monterey Wharf restaurant.

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